
I got it. Just following the steps tested on developing environment, I
finished the changing on production environment.
Now the production cluster status is as below:

root@cluster1-hd13:~# riak-admin member-status
================================= Membership
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
valid      10.9%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid      10.9%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid      14.1%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid      17.2%     12.5%    'riak@'
valid      10.9%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid       7.8%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid       7.8%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid       9.4%     10.9%    'riak@'
valid      10.9%     10.9%    'riak@'
Valid:9 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0

Thanks for your great help. we can close this ticket.
several issues related with transferring partition, I'll open it in anther

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:01 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin <>

> Amao,
> As I've mentioned, those pending transfers are going to stay there
> indefinitely. They will keep showing up on the 'status' list, until you do
> a 'force-replace' or 'force-remove'.

Amao Wang
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