
I was thinking of asking the same question.

Concretely, I have been using Riak search to feed data into a machine
learning algorithm. For example, we have a query that returns 4M documents
and we feed it to the algorithm by iterating through the pages. We've
observed a linear decrease in throughput as the page number increases.

I noticed today the note about using 2i for deep pagination. I also wanted
to try to stream documents out of a map-reduce job with the input set to
the search query and an identity function as the mapper.

My apologies for hijacking your question Brant!


On 18 August 2015 at 00:20, Brant Fitzsimmons <brant.fitzsimm...@gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> Are the search suggestions on
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/using/application-guide/#Search
> still valid?
> Specifically, is it still advisable to use 2i when deep pagination is
> required, and if the cluster is going to be larger than 8-10 nodes should I
> still use something else for search?
> —
> Brant Fitzsimmons
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