Hey Zeeshan,

Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure if it was a bug or intended
behaviour, glad to hear it's the former and that it'll be fixed :-)

On 11 Aug 2015 3:43 am, "Zeeshan Lakhani" <zlakh...@basho.com> wrote:

> Hey Marius,
> To put it simply, yes, 2.1.1 does not support write_once with search. Some
> objects will get indexed, but it will take a very long time and there will
> be issues with the cluster, etc…
> There should have been a note about this. Our apologies. We have solved
> the issue, and it will be supported in 2.1.2, which is our next release.
> You can read more about it here:
> https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/issues/512.
> Thanks.
> Zeeshan Lakhani
> programmer |
> software engineer at @basho |
> org. member/founder of @papers_we_love | paperswelove.org
> twitter => @zeeshanlakhani
> On Aug 10, 2015, at 4:22 PM, Marius Cobzarenco <mar...@reinfer.io> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Riak Search does not seem to work in a bucket whose bucket type has
> write_once = true. I could not see this mentioned anywhere in the
> documentation, but I was curious if it is to be expected? It seems like the
> objects never get indexed.
> My bucket type is:
> riak-admin bucket-type create raw_tweets \
>     '{"props": {"search": true, "search_index": "index_raw_tweets",
> "n_val": 2, "allow_mult": false, "write_once": true}}' && \
>     riak-admin bucket-type activate raw_tweets
> If I remove "write_once":true, the objects are indexed.
> Many thanks
> Marius
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