Can confirm, we have this set in our production cluster.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 6:31 AM, Richard Jonas <> wrote:

> Hi Roman,
> my guess is that you can use as IP address which means "listen on
> every network device", so if the IP address changes you don't need to
> change anything in the config. Please double check this.
> Richard
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 7:03 PM, Nick Marino <> wrote:
>> Hi Roman,
>> I took a quick look at the riak_api code, and unfortunately it doesn't
>> look like there's an easy way to do this right now. The code assumes you'll
>> enter an IP address, and there's no place where it would attempt to resolve
>> a hostname if you passed that in instead.
>> That said, this does seem like it would be a nice feature to have, and
>> probably shouldn't be terribly difficult to implement. If you have a GitHub
>> account you could try logging a feature request under the issues section
>> for the riak_api project ( I can't
>> make any guarantees as to whether/when anyone will have time to look into
>> it, but hopefully it's something that could be done in the short to medium
>> term. If you don't have a GitHub account and would like me to enter this
>> for you, send me an email and I can get a request filed.
>> In the mean time, your best bet is probably to write a script to
>> automatically regenerate your config file with the correct IP addresses as
>> needed. Not the prettiest solution, but unfortunately that's the best
>> suggestion I have for the time being.
>> Thanks,
>> Nick
>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 4:48 PM, ROMAN SHESTAKOV <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> is there any way to specify in riak.conf in field "listener.http.$name”
>>> FQDN instead of IP address?
>>> >>>listener.http.$name  This is the IP address and TCP port to which the
>>> Riak HTTP interface will bind. {"",8098}<<<
>>> why is it required to use IP address instead of a host name? In my
>>> setting RIAK_KV is deployed on dynamic VMs and IP could be changed if the
>>> VM is launched on a different hypervisor.
>>> Regards, Roman
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> Richard Jonas
> Erlang Solutions Hungary Kft
> Address:
>   Riverpark Office K.32
>   Közraktár street 32. 3/1.
>   1093 Budapest
>   Hungary
> Phone/fax:
>   +36-1-7000-654
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