Hello Wendy,

This may be an issue with the Python client. Can you open this up as a bug at 
<https://github.com/basho/riak-python-client>, and our client team can take a 
look? I was not able to reproduce via http in an example (i.e. *interests_set*) 
I tried:

"docs" : [
            "_yz_rt" : "maps",
            "name_register" : “3 Names",
            "interests_set" : [
            "_yz_id" : "1*maps*testbucket*3 Names*2",
            "_yz_rk" : “3 Names",
            "_yz_rb" : "testbucket"

Zeeshan Lakhani
programmer | 
software engineer at @basho | 
org. member/founder of @papers_we_love | paperswelove.org
twitter => @zeeshanlakhani

> On Jul 1, 2015, at 11:47 AM, Wendy Liu <ilostwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having an issue with stored multiValued fields in Riak search not being 
> stored the way I would expect.
> If I use the default schema, and store the following JSON document (from the 
> documentation <http://docs.basho.com/riak/2.1.1/dev/using/search/#Extractors>)
> {"people_ss": ["Ryan", "Eric", "Brett"]}
> and then search with the query "people_ss:Ryan", the document that I get back 
> contains "people_ss": ["Ryan", "Eric", "Brett"], as I would expect.
> However, if I instead create the document
> {"people_ss": ["Ryan"]}
> then searching with the query "people_ss:Ryan" results in a document with 
> "people_ss": "Ryan", where the value associated with "people_ss" is a string, 
> not a list of strings as I would expect.
> I couldn't find anything about this in any of the Github issue trackers or 
> the mailing list. Is this a bug, or desired behaviour? Is there a way to 
> ensure that lists with a single element are stored in Solr as lists, instead 
> of as strings?
> I'm using the official Riak Python client with Riak 2.1.1 and search enabled.
> Thanks in advance!
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