I've reported in the past that my application is seeing stange
exceptions when running under even the slightest load (see

The observation is that some threads simply hang when this exception
occurs, waiting for ever without understanding what is going on. This
unreliability is very bad for my application where a lot of
Riak-related tasks are handled in Threads in the background.

I keep trying to find out what is causing this, but I have no real
clue. But after playing around with
RiakNode.Builder.min/maxConnections, the problem does not occur

Specifically, I have now set:
RiakNode riakNode = new RiakNode.Builder()

If I leave minConnections at 1, the problem occurs, reproducibly. With
higher values, it doesn't.

Is there maybe an issue in the code? Are connections reaped too quickly?


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