Hi Sam,

I think they are likely referring to the memory_ets Riak statistic.
This is just a straight export of erlang:memory(ets). [1], [2]

You're probably right that they're using LevelDB, given the data (and
presumably key) volumes they're talking about. However, LevelDB's
various types of caching are done inside the C++ library itself (and
vastly improved in Basho's fork), so this is not the ETS caching you
are looking for. :o)

Outside of the memory backend itself, ETS is used in many places
inside Riak (and its dependencies). I thought at first it might be a
metadata cache within the KV VNode itself [3], but it seems that's not
used by default and is expected to be small (per-VNode) if enabled at

If you pull down the Riak source [4] and 'rebar get-deps', you can
'grep -r ets:delete deps/*' for an idea of how many places data is
being dropped from ETS tables. :o) Many places ETS is used to provide
fast key-value lookup in memory (a common Erlang idiom), rather than
as a large cache. An example of this is the routing table in
webmachine. [5]

Without combing through these uses (and/or doing some tracing on a
system under load), I can't say which part of Riak exactly is eating
up and then dropping a lot of ETS data on a regular basis - perhaps a
developer can chime in? - but I hope this goes some way to answering
your questions.


[1] http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#memory-0
[2] http://git.io/vLZQq
[3] http://git.io/vLZ5j (cf. surrounding functions)
[4] http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/building/installing/from-source/
[5] http://git.io/vLZAS

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