
As PB connection management haven't been changed between CS 1.5 and
2.0, I think it should work. What's the version the load balancing
working stable? It depends of the reason why connection has been cut,
but I would recommend you restart just the CS node and recreate the
connection pool.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Toby Corkindale <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been happily using haproxy in front of Riak and Riak CS 1.x in
> production for quite a while.
> I've been trying to bring up a new cluster based on riak/cs 2.0.x recently,
> as you've probably noticed from the flurry of emails to this list :)
> I'm discovering that if I have haproxy sitting between riak-cs and riak,
> then I get a lot of errors about disconnections. Initially I thought this
> must be related to pb backlogs or pool sizes or file handle limits -- but
> I've played with all those things to no avail.
> I *have* noticed that if I get riak-cs to connect directly to a riak
> (bypassing haproxy) then everything is fine, including with the original
> default request pool and backlog sizes.
> I am essentially using the recommended haproxy.cfg, which has worked fine in
> production elsewhere.
> Any suggestions?
> Error message sample follows:
> 2015-06-04 15:26:16.447 [warning]
> <0.283.0>@riak_cs_riak_client:get_user_with_pbc:293 Fetching user re
> cord with strong option failed: disconnected
> 2015-06-04 15:26:16.447 [warning]
> <0.2095.0>@riak_cs_pbc:check_connection_status:97 Connection status
> of <0.287.0> at maybe_create_user: {false,[]}
> Cheers
> Toby
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Basho Japan KK

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