
Generally speaking, 48/64GB RAM with 20TB storage is enough strong for
typical usage of Riak CS, like yours. I would like to mention that too
large disk size per node with narrow bandwidth may lead to less
availability - time to recover degraded replicas in case of node/disk
failure may take longer (because larger disk means longer time to
recover). That should not be longer than MTBF. To ensure the
availability, please make sure you have 5 nodes or more.

On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 3:53 AM, Shankar Dhanasekaran
<shan...@opendrops.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> what is the RAM and CPU requirements for RIAK CS server with 20 TB storage
> and about a max of 100 concurrent requests (mix of put and get) with a max
> file size of request being less than 50mb. I am just looking for a rough
> figure so that I don't have to buy a really powerful server where it's not
> needed.
> In this talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMyU6-pU6aw, Andy Gross says
> "you don't want to run these on big enterprise servers but on basically crap
> and when it dies ... install new servers"
> My servers come with 48/64 GB RAM with i7 quad core processors. My need is
> basically more data storage than handling more requests concurrently. So
> what is the ideal 'crap' config for my need?
> Thanks,
> Shankar
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