Hello Alexander, I would definitely take a look at how much RAM each node has. You can adjust the max heap size in riak.conf by changing search.solr.jvm_options max heap size values from -Xmx1g to -Xmx2g or more. I’d also take a look at http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/advanced/configs/search/#Solr-for-Operators <http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/advanced/configs/search/#Solr-for-Operators>, which has links to Solr performance issues/factors and ways to monitor Solr.
You can get more statistical information for search by using `riak-admin stat show <statistic>`. Our documentation of these statistics is still in progress, but you can see what’s available for search here: https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/blob/develop/src/yz_stat.erl#L92 <https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/blob/develop/src/yz_stat.erl#L92>. Thanks. Zeeshan Lakhani programmer | software engineer at @basho | org. member/founder of @papers_we_love | paperswelove.org twitter => @zeeshanlakhani > On Mar 6, 2015, at 4:36 PM, Alexander Popov <mogada...@gmail.com> wrote: > > I not have stable reproduce but peaks happens several times in day and takes > 10-50 sec. > some times it happens on very low traffic, so I think it not related on > traffic. > Looks like query is locked somehow. > What can I do for troubleshoot peaks? Enable addition logs or Monitoring ? > There is no errors in logs at time of the peaks > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > riak-users@lists.basho.com > http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
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