Hi Nirav,

About your last point. Just yesterday I started playing with Search 2.0 (solr) 
and riak. Basho did a good job at integrating the solr platform but docs are 
sometimes misleading. One thing I found out was the using the default schema 
provided by Basho, if you are using CRDTs, your fields are suffixed with 
_register, _counter, _set. This link 
(http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/search/search-data-types/) has a good 
set of examples but best is to experiment. I ended up diving into the data dir 
of solar and grep’ed for parts of my field names to figure out what it actually 
was. When running queries, solr/riak will not let you know that fields are 
incorrect, it just doesn’t have any data for those so it returns no search 

Good luck.


PS. Be sure to have search=on in riak.conf :)

On 2/5/15, 7:34 AM, "Nirav Shah" 
<niravis...@yahoo.com<mailto:niravis...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

Hi All,
Just wanted to check what kind of configuration settings does everyone use in 
production clustered environment for Riak Search/AAE and if someone can share 
some experience over it? We currently have a 2g memory allocated to Solr and 
are currently just using the default parameters from riak.conf.

What we have seen so far is that there is data in RIAK but somehow, Solr/Riak 
search does not return it. I am trying to find out what can cause this and am i 
missing some kind of configuration settings.

Any response would be appreciated.

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