Yes. I'm using POJO and annotating one of the field with RiakIndex. When
I'm reading the object with the key, as the tag field is not part of the
object, while writing I dont have the tag value while writing the object.

Class Foo {

private String fooId;


private String barid;



When I'm storing the object, I set the barid for the object and storing the
object. Annotation is taking care of tagging the object with barid.

When I query the object with barId, I have the barId value so I'm setting
barId to object and writing it. But If I lookup the object with fooId, as
barId value is not part of the object I cant tag the object with barid. SO
when I'm writing the object I'm losing the association .

So Is there any thing I'm missing to make it part of the object state. That
way as you said, When I read-modify-write, the tag value exist all the time.



On Jan 26, 2015 7:46 PM, "Christopher Meiklejohn" <>

> > On Jan 26, 2015, at 09:45, Santi Kumar <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> > I'm defining a field of an object as 2i index with @RiakIndex. While
> creating the object I initialised both the values and stored the object
> against the key of that object and stored against the index.
> >
> > In a separate thread another field of the object is updated where I dont
> have handle to the 2i field. So I simply updated the field and stored back.
> As the 2i indexed field is not part of the object, that is gone as null and
> 2i index is removed from that object.
> >
> > After this, any search method on the original index key is failing to
> return this object. Is there any way to access 2i index corresponding to
> the key of object or storing the 2i index field as part of the object.
> >
> > When I fetch the object with the key, I'm not able to see the filed
> which is definied as 2i field?
> >
> > Please give me some clues on that.
> Hi Santi,
> When writing tags on objects for use with the 2i mechanism, it's required
> that you write all tags for the object each write; most client libraries
> will handle this if you perform a read-modify-write.  Does this help
> clarify?
> Thanks,
> Chris
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