Hi Cezary,
The keys in a map are pairs, {FieldName, FieldType}, and when map reducing they 
haven’t been through the API layer to make the module names friendly, so rather 
than {my_name, set} you have {may_name, riak_dt_orswot}.

For example

    M = riak_kv_crdt:map_value(V).


is a map with two fields, a map and a set. The map field is called {<<“m1”>>, 
riak_dt_map}. So to access it:

   prop lists:get_value({<<“m1”>>, riak_dt_orswot}, M).

And likewise to access the set values.

It would be helpful, I agree, if we added something like Bob Ippolito’s KVC[1] 
for Map reduce access to Map values. Please raise an issue against riak[2] as a 
feature request if you would like this for a future version.

riak_dt[3] (the library whose data types riak uses) is a purely functional 
library with no dependencies, so it is easy to play around on the console to 
help you write your map reduce functions before deploying them.

Hope that helps


[1] KVC -  https://github.com/etrepum/kvc
[2] Riak - https://github.com/basho/riak/issues
[3] riak dt - https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/tree/2.0

On 4 Jan 2015, at 21:12, Cezary Kosko <koskoceza...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wanted to ask how you use a map data type in mapreduce. Calling 
> riak_kv_crdt:map_value/1 seems to be but the start, I can't seem to be able 
> to extract particular values - proplists:get_value/2 returns undefined for 
> virtually every possible input, so right now I've localized the keys' index 
> in proplists:get_keys/1's output and am calling 
> proplists:get_value(lists:nth(_whatever_index_, 
> proplists:get_keys(MapValue)), MapValue), but that's as bad as it gets.
> Kind regards,
> Cezary
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