
Do you have any update about this issue? I am affected by the same memory leak. 
Sadly, this problem does the Riak memory backend useless in production.

You can reproduce it with this dirty script (be careful, it is resource 


- 1 Riak node 2.0.1. 
- riak.conf:

buckets.default.n_val = 1
buckets.default.last_write_wins = true
buckets.default.r = 1
buckets.default.w = 1
multi_backend.memory.storage_backend = memory
multi_backend.memory.memory_backend.ttl = 90s
multi_backend.memory.memory_backend.max_memory_per_vnode = 250MB

# curl

Is there any bug report opened in github where to follow this issue?

Best regards,
Juan Luis Francés

2014-10-20 15:43 GMT+02:00 Luke Bakken:
>Thanks for all the detailed information. This is not expected
>behavior. What MIME type are you using for storing the long integer
>data (64 binary bits, I assume)?
>I'd like to try and reproduce this. There have been issues with TTL
>and max_memory but they should have been fixed for Riak 2.0.
>Luke Bakken
>Engineer / CSE
>On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 1:56 AM, Lucas Grijander
> Hi Luke,
> Indeed, when removed the thousands of requests, the memory is stabilized.
> However the memory consumption is still very high:
> riak-admin status |grep memory
> memory_total : 18494760128
> memory_processes : 145363184
> memory_processes_used : 142886424
> memory_system : 18349396944
> memory_atom : 561761
> memory_atom_used : 554496
> memory_binary : 7108243240
> memory_code : 13917820
> memory_ets : 11200328880
> I have test also with Riak 1.4.10 and the performance is the same.
> Is it normal that the "memory_ets" has more than 10GB when we have a
> "ring_size" of 16 and a max_memory_per_vnode = 250MB?
> 2014-10-15 20:50 GMT+02:00 Lucas Grijander:
>> Hi Luke.
>> About the first issue:
>> - From the beginning, the servers are all running ntpd. They are Ubuntu
>> 14.04 and the ntpd service is installed and running by default.
>> - Anti-entropy was also disabled from the beginning:
>> {anti_entropy,{off,[]}},
>> About the second issue, I am perplex because, after 2 restarts of the Riak
>> server, just now there is a big memory consumption but is not growing like
>> the previous days. The only change was to remove this code (it was used
>> thousands of times/s). It was a possible workaround about the previous
>> problem with the TTL but this code now is useless because the TTL is working
>> fine with this node alone:
>> self.db.delete((key)
>> self.db.get(key, r=1)
>> # riak-admin status|grep memory
>> memory_total : 18617871264
>> memory_processes : 224480232
>> memory_processes_used : 222700176
>> memory_system : 18393391032
>> memory_atom : 561761
>> memory_atom_used : 552862
>> memory_binary : 7135206080
>> memory_code : 13779729
>> memory_ets : 11209256232
>> The problem is that I don't remember if the code change was after or
>> before the second restart. I am going to restart the riak server again and I
>> will report you about if the "possible memory leak" is reproduced.
>> This is the props of the bucket:
>> {"props":{"allow_mult":false,"backend":"ttl_stg","basic_quorum":false,"big_vclock":50,"chash_keyfun":{"mod":"riak_core_util","fun":"chash_std_keyfun"},"dvv_enabled":false,"dw":"quorum","last_write_wins":true,"linkfun":{"mod":"riak_kv_wm_link_walker","fun":"mapreduce_linkfun"},"n_val":1,"name":"ttl_stg","notfound_ok":true,"old_vclock":86400,"postcommit":[],"pr":0,"precommit":[],"pw":0,"r":1,"rw":"quorum","small_vclock":50,"w":1,"young_vclock":20}}
>> About the data that we put into the bucket are all with this schema:
>> KEY: Alphanumeric with a length of 47
>> DATA: Long integer.
>> # riak-admin status|grep puts
>> vnode_puts : 84708
>> vnode_puts_total : 123127430
>> node_puts : 83169
>> node_puts_total : 123128062
>> # riak-admin status|grep gets
>> vnode_gets : 162314
>> vnode_gets_total : 240433213
>> node_gets : 162317
>> node_gets_total : 240433216

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