
I've recently started developing a web application and I'm using risk for data 
and session storage. I was hoping to get some pro tips on a few things

- First of all I want to create a bucket for every user that signs up on my 
website. I see in the documentation it says:

"If you want to avoid setting a limit on per-user bucket creation, you can 
setmax_buckets_per_user to unlimited."

I'm just wondering if there's any reason besides the privilege of being able to 
create an infinite number of buckets being abused? I intend to have a user 
accounts bucket, and each user account has its own bucket to hold the users 
data; this seems logical since putting all of the user data into one big ass 
bucket seems like its destined to fail miserably. Any thoughts?

- I read that solr in riak can be directed to index buckets that have a 
specific "bucket type" applied to them. Can't find the instructions ATM, (just 
this: After connecting a bucket (or bucket type) to a Solr index, you simply 
write values (such as JSON, XML, plain text, Riak Data Types, etc.) into Riak 
as normal, and then query those indexed values using the Solr API."

I'm kinda wondering will that work the way I want to believe it will? (Where if 
all of my user buckets have a bucket type applied to them that sold will find 
them and index them?)

Let me know, any advice is appreciated my experience with sold is limited. Also 
cutting my teeth on nosql for a change is a big difference.

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