Thanks for the information, appreciated.


2014-12-03 23:52 GMT+07:00 Christopher Meiklejohn <>:

> > On Dec 3, 2014, at 2:09 PM, Taufan Adhitya <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Guys, should i worry about creating many process identifier in my app
> vai riak_pb_socket:start,start_link? I try to find on documentation section
> but i couldn't find a part that explicitly stated that riak will close some
> inactive process.
> HI Taufan,
> riakc_pb_socket connections are usually long lived, and will stay open
> until disconnected or timed out while performing a specific task.  There is
> no specific code in the riak_pb_server for ensuring that idle connections
> will be closed after a given period of inactivity.
> If you’re opening and closing riakc_pb_socket connections at various
> places in your application — maybe consider using a connection pool for
> maintaining a known set of open connections that you use for issuing
> requests?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> Christopher Meiklejohn
> Senior Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
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