So I've verified that simple code in Java(1.7) is working fine, but in Groovy
(2.3.6) it is not.
And problem is only in Java Client 2.0. Working with 1.4 is doing fine in
Groovy and Java as well.
Everything is run from Intelij (does not know if matters).
I am astonished. Till now I've tested only on Groovy (thank you Chris again
for a tip).
Still do not understand this but I will be investigate - now I know in what

BucketMapReduce bmr =
                new BucketMapReduce.Builder()
                        .withNamespace(new Namespace("default", "bucket2"))
.withMapPhase(Function.newNamedJsFunction("Riak.mapValues"), true)

MapReduce.Response response = G.client.execute(bmr);

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