Hi Zhenghuo.

Did you replace "index_name" with actual name of your index? If not, that's 
probably the issue.


Yang Zhenguo <yangzhen...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi Geoff,
>When I run rp(yz_index:reload(<<"index_name">>)).
>The result is "exception error: undefined function yz_index:reload/1"
>Not very clear how to reload the index, I tried to restart riak, still doesn't 
>Thanks & Regards,
>2014-11-26 1:31 GMT+08:00 Geoff Garbers <ge...@totalsend.com>:
>Hey Zhenguo.
>I've actually just gone through something similar myself recently.
>​ ​
>I found that the most reliable way to do this is as follows:
>1. Update the schema (as you have shown)
>2. Attach to the Erlang console on each node, and run 
>​3. List all keys in the buckets with your bucket type, and pull and put each 
>of the objects in those buckets.
>It's not the most ideal way, but it's the most effective (from what I've 
>found) until the new sear​ch administration functionality becomes available.
>Geoffrey Garbers
>Senior Developer
>Cell: +27 (0)766 476 920
>Skype: geoff.garbers
> +1 347-431-0494
> +44 (0)203 519 1082
> +61 (0)3 9111 5760
> +27 (0)21 200 6981
>On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Yang Zhenguo <yangzhen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Any other options? :)
>2014-11-26 0:42 GMT+08:00 Eric Redmond <eredm...@basho.com>:
>Yes, that is one of the options.
>On Nov 25, 2014, at 8:40 AM, Yang Zhenguo <yangzhen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Eric,
>Any suggestion for my requirement? create a new search index?
>2014-11-26 0:24 GMT+08:00 Eric Redmond <eredm...@basho.com>:
>Automatic updating of indexes due to schema changes doesn't exist yet. It'll 
>be added soon:
>On Nov 25, 2014, at 8:21 AM, Yang Zhenguo <yangzhen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I have an existed schema and I want to add one column in it, such as 
><field name="problem_id"   type="string"  indexed="true" stored="true" />
>What's the steps to update it?
>Since there is the search_index related to the schema and a bucket type 
>related to the search_index.
>I tried to update the schema by the following commands:
>{ok, SchemaData} = file:read_file("cartoons.xml"), 
>riakc_pb_socket:create_search_schema(Pid, <<"cartoons">>, SchemaData).
>However, I can not search the object with new field.
>Thanks in advance.
>Zhenguo Yang
>riak-users mailing list
>Zhenguo Yang
>MSN: zgyang...@hotmail.com
>Zhenguo Yang
>MSN: zgyang...@hotmail.com
>riak-users mailing list
>Zhenguo Yang
>MSN: zgyang...@hotmail.com
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