Don't use that. It's internal to Riak. Never never use /internal_solr. Use the 
/solr interface exposed by Riak, and defined in the documentation.
Take care,

On Nov 24, 2014 9:35 AM, "Jason Ryan" <> wrote:
Hi Eric,

I'm using the internal_solr web front end right now, port 8093
On this particular example, I have just one Riak node running locally - version 
2.0.1 - I haven't tested this on a multi node Riak install yet.


Jason Ryan
VP Engineering

Real Time, Online Identity Verification
skype: jason_j_ryan

Trustev Ltd, 2100 Cork Airport Business Park, Cork, Ireland. 

On 24 November 2014 at 13:55, Eric Redmond <> wrote:
Your response header should contain shard and many filter values. What URL are 
you using to search with? Does it begin with /solr or /solr_internal? What 
port? How many Riak nodes are you running? And what version do you have 


On Nov 24, 2014 5:34 AM, "Jason Ryan" <> wrote:
Hi Eric,

I don't get multiple siblings on a Riak GET for the key.

My buckets currently have allow_mult: false and last_write_wins: true
The n_val is the default 3

When I search, an example return is as follows, I can see the _yz_id has a 
unique number on the end alright though?

Thanks for the help!


  "responseHeader": {
    "status": 0,
    "QTime": 6,
    "params": {
      "sort": "RequestTimestamp desc",
      "indent": "true",
      "q": "_yz_rk:20141124091329-GET-200",
      "_": "1416824998178",
      "wt": "json"
  "response": {
    "numFound": 3,
    "start": 0,
    "docs": [
        "CredentialType": "Live",
        "MerchantSiteId": "754712a0-8df0-4931-bf65-a37600e203b7",
        "ResponseStatus": "OK",
        "ResponseCode": "200",
        "ResponseMessage": "{ <REMOVED> }",
        "ResponseTimestamp": "2014-11-24T09:13:29.111Z",
        "RequestMessage": "null",
        "RequestTimestamp": "2014-11-24T09:13:27.803Z",
        "RequestUri": "/api/v2.0/decision/e12f7e34-cdd0-4138-b0e4-88d906aba391",
        "RequestMessageType": "application/json",
        "RequestMethodType": "GET",
        "_yz_id": "1*Trunk*ApiEvents*20141124091329-GET-200*34",
        "_yz_rk": "20141124091329-GET-200",
        "_yz_rt": "Trunk",
        "_yz_rb": "ApiEvents"
        "CredentialType": "Live",
        "MerchantSiteId": "754712a0-8df0-4931-bf65-a37600e203b7",
        "ResponseStatus": "OK",
        "ResponseCode": "200",
        "ResponseMessage": "{ <REMOVED> }",
        "ResponseTimestamp": "2014-11-24T09:13:29.111Z",
        "RequestMessage": "null",
        "RequestTimestamp": "2014-11-24T09:13:27.803Z",
        "RequestUri": "/api/v2.0/decision/e12f7e34-cdd0-4138-b0e4-88d906aba391",
        "RequestMessageType": "application/json",
        "RequestMethodType": "GET",
        "_yz_id": "1*Trunk*ApiEvents*20141124091329-GET-200*35",
        "_yz_rk": "20141124091329-GET-200",
        "_yz_rt": "Trunk",
        "_yz_rb": "ApiEvents"
        "CredentialType": "Live",
        "MerchantSiteId": "754712a0-8df0-4931-bf65-a37600e203b7",
        "ResponseStatus": "OK",
        "ResponseCode": "200",
        "ResponseMessage": "{ <REMOVED> }",
        "ResponseTimestamp": "2014-11-24T09:13:29.111Z",
        "RequestMessage": "null",
        "RequestTimestamp": "2014-11-24T09:13:27.803Z",
        "RequestUri": "/api/v2.0/decision/e12f7e34-cdd0-4138-b0e4-88d906aba391",
        "RequestMessageType": "application/json",
        "RequestMethodType": "GET",
        "_yz_id": "1*Trunk*ApiEvents*20141124091329-GET-200*36",
        "_yz_rk": "20141124091329-GET-200",
        "_yz_rt": "Trunk",
        "_yz_rb": "ApiEvents"

Jason Ryan
VP Engineering

Real Time, Online Identity Verification
skype: jason_j_ryan

Trustev Ltd, 2100 Cork Airport Business Park, Cork, Ireland. 

On 22 November 2014 at 13:57, Eric Redmond <> wrote:
You can check if your object has siblings by performing a key get, and see if 
two values return. If not, then it may be the index. Can you paste the response 
where you get two values?


On Nov 13, 2014, at 9:46 AM, Jason Ryan <> wrote:

> Thanks Eric - I don't see the _yz_vtag returned in the search result set - so 
> not sure how to tell that?
> Jason Ryan
> VP Engineering
> Trustev
> Real Time, Online Identity Verification
> email: 
> skype: jason_j_ryan
> web:
> Trustev Ltd, 2100 Cork Airport Business Park, Cork, Ireland. 
> On 12 November 2014 17:53, Eric Redmond <> wrote:
> On Nov 11, 2014, at 3:55 AM, Jason Ryan <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have some quick (hopefully!) questions around Riak search.
>> 1. I'm getting multiple documents returned in the search results for a query 
>> - which I assume is based on the n_val of my bucket as I tried to change the 
>> search index to have a n_val of 1 but got an error that it needed to match 
>> the bucket n_val - is this expected behaviour, i.e. will the search return 
>> multiples based from the n_val, and I need to code for that?
> You should only get multiple results if your values have siblings. You can 
> tell if they're siblings because the duplicates will have different _yz_vtags.
>> 2. What is best practice if we required to change an index (e.g. adding a 
>> new indexed field) and wanted to re-generate the index for a particular 
>> bucket?
> Currently, that requires you rewriting your dataset again. However, there is 
> a PR in the works to allow incremental schema changes, as well as allowing 
> AAE to automatically update indexed documented based on schema changes: 
>> Thanks!
>> Jason
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