Hi Santi,

The default n_val is actually 3. If you start with one node and add
nodes there will be no issue.

You can increase the n_val but requests for objects may return
not_found until read repair or AAE fixes the replicas.
Luke Bakken
Engineer / CSE

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Santi Kumar <sa...@veradocs.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to the Riak. I know the default value of n_val is 2, but is it
> possible to start with one node, no replication initially and then start
> adding the nodes and increase the replication factor.
> What happens if I run only a single node without changing the default
> values? Does it cause any errors as there is no other nodes in the cluster?
> Apologize for naive question though.
> Thanks
> Santi
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