I found that adjusting these RiakCS settings improved write speeds a
little for us:

              {put_concurrency, 4},
              {put_buffer_factor, 8},

 As well as making sure the Riak vm.args included a high +zdbbl setting.

But even so, Riak CS has been really quite slow compared to other
things I've tried. However it has tended to work reasonably reliably
and is easy to maintain, so I went with it and it's been successful
for us. I'd be happier if write speeds were better though.

On 8 November 2014 01:41, David Meekin <david.mee...@autotrader.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve setup a test 4 node RiakCS cluster on HP BL460c hardware and I can’t 
> seem to get S3 upload speeds above 2MB/s
> I’m connecting direct to RiackCS on one of the nodes so there is no load 
> balancing software in place.
> I have also installed s3cmd locally onto one of the nodes and the speeds 
> locally are the same.
> These 4 nodes also run a test CEPH cluster with RadosGW and s3 uploads to 
> CEPH achieve 125MB/s
> Any help would be appreciated as I’m currently evaluating both CEPH and 
> RiakCS.
> Configs below:
> [snip]

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