"The io_mode setting specifies which code module Bitcask should use for
file access. The available settings are:

erlang (default) — Writes are made via Erlang's built-in file API
nif — Writes are made via direct calls to the POSIX C API"

These sentences mention 'writes' only, does it affect other file IO (reads,

On 10 November 2014 20:02, Oleksiy Krivoshey <oleks...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> Can anyone please explain in more details what kind of negative impact has
> the 'nif' bitcask IO mode and what worst-case scenarios can increase
> latencies or cause IO collapses?
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/advanced/backends/bitcask/#Configuring-Bitcask
> "In general, the nif IO mode provies higher throughput for certain
> workloads, but it has the potential to negatively impact the Erlang VM,
> leading to higher worst-case latencies and possible throughput collapse."
> Thanks!
> --
> Oleksiy

Oleksiy Krivoshey
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