Hi Anthony,

When you put files, are you also including any ACL information?


Luke Bakken
Engineer / CSE

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Valenti, Anthony
<anthony.vale...@inmar.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have an idea why this is working this way or if it is
> functioning as designed?  Am I expecting it to do something that it doesn’t
> do?  If so, then how can I get it do what I am expecting.
> We are running Riak-CS on version 1.4.8.
> Here is the situation.  We have a bucket that is owned by Acct1 that has
> folders in it.  Acct2 has been granted all permissions to the bucket and all
> sub-folders.
> Acct2 puts a file in one of the subfolders, but Acct1 has no permissions at
> all for the file.
> Acct1 puts a file in the same folder and Acct2 automatically has all of the
> same permissions to the file as it has to the parent folder.
> Why is it working this way and how do I get it to inherit permissions
> automatically?
> Thanks,
> Anthony
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