Riak Ruby Client 2.1.0 is a feature release.

New features:

* Instrumentation: if the `instrumentable` gem is loaded, the client exposes
  several event hooks to `ActiveSupport::Notifications`. Read the README for
  more information, and if you'd like other events to be instrumented, please
  file GitHub issues. Instrumentation was developed by Ryan Daigle.
* CRDTs support the `returnbody` option, and use it by default. This means that
  unless specified otherwise, CRDTs will update themselves on a write.

Small changes:

* UTF-8 support is now tested against.
* RSpec 3.1 is now supported, although RSpec 3.0 still works.
* Specs no longer use gratuitous "should"s.

The gem is available at: http://rubygems.org/gems/riak-client/versions/2.1.0

Bryce Kerley
Software Engineer

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