Hello all, I am using riak 1.4.3 I have an error during map reduce (not every time) :
{ "phase": "listkeys", "error": "function_clause", "input": "xxx", "type": "error", "stack": "[ {riak_kv_pipe_listkeys,keysend, [ error, {worker_crash,{badarg,[{erlang,binary_to_term,[<<>>],[]}, {riak_kv_bitcask_backend,'-fold_keys_fun/2-fun-1-',4, [{file,\"src/riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl\"},{line,461}]}, {bitcask_nifs,keydir_fold_cont,4,[{file,\"src/bitcask_nifs.erl\"},{line,419}]}, {bitcask_nifs,keydir_frozen,4,[{file,\"src/bitcask_nifs.erl\"},{line,265}]}, {riak_kv_bitcask_backend,'-fold_keys/4-fun-0-',5, [{file,\"src/riak_kv_bitcask_backend.erl\"},{line,254}]}, {riak_kv_worker,handle_work,3,[{file,...},...]}, ...]},...},...],...},...]" } So it seems to be a corruption on a bitcask file making a <<>> bitcask key, which is not a term_to_binary({B,K}), so the fold function crash. I will make a manual bitcask fold in order to find the corrupted file, but I have some questions : - I saw that in last riak2.0 the fold function does not handle corrupted key format either, but is their an additional consistency check in newer version making this problem impossible ? - What is the best way for me to reconstruct the file : delete the partition en repair it ? - Do you think it's a good idea to make the fold function more resilient to a corrupted key format ? - Do you have an idea of the possible source of the problem ? If anybody had this issue before ? Thank you very much Arnaud -- Arnaud Wetzel Co-founder Shopping Adventure 13 rue saint Anastase, 75003 Paris _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com