Hi tele,

Yes, a secondary index is the most reasonable way to accomplish this.
Here's an example using the Python client:

now = time.gmtime()
myobj.add_index('modified_int', now)

bucket.get_index('modified_int', now-3600, now+3600)

Hope that helps.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:09 PM, tele <t...@rhizomatica.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there any way i can retrieve from a bucket the keys that last
> change N minutes ago for example.
> If possible cis there a way to do it with riak-python-client?
> Or the only way is to add a timestamp index in the bucket and update in
> case of changes, so that i will be able to query that index.
> Thanks
> :tele
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Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
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Basho Technologies, Inc.

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