
I think if you monitor the crash and reboot and take note or flag if it
happens often, then that could be when you investigate the node more in
depth.  Having a node go up and down often is a sign clearly of something
bad happening that should be investigated.  For a rare reboot/crash, having
it start on boot and automatically come up seems like the more ops friendly
way to treat some event that should be rare.  Due to Riak working without
all its nodes up, we've had people who forgot to start Riak nodes and never
noticed they were down for weeks.  This is good in that Riak can take it,
but not very awesome when you do bring it up and the node has a lot of
handoff work to do to catch up.


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Gavin Huang <> wrote:

> Hi,
>     We have a little uncertainty in our team about whether to have riak
> automatically start when machine get rebooted.
>     It do bring us some convenient if riak can start by default when
> machine crashed for some reason, and automatically restart. but i was
> wondering is there any case that automatically starting a problematic node
> and join the cluster would cause some problem. do you guys have any idea?
> Thanks.
> Gavin
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