Alex, Assuming you've already made your bucket-type with "map" as the datatype, then "" will return you a Map instead of a RiakObject. Translating your example above:
key ='lionelmessi') key.registers['name'].assign('Messi') key.registers['team'].assign('Barcelona') key.counters['number'].increment(10) Note that because Maps are based on mutation operations and not replacing the value with new ones, you can later do this without setting the entire value: key.counters['number'].increment(1) This will also change your searches, however, in that the fields will be suffixed with the embedded type you are using: r = client.fulltext_search('ix_footballers', 'team_register:Barcelona') Hope that helps! On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Alex De la rosa <> wrote: > Imagine I have a Riak object "footballer" with some static fields: name, > team, number. I store them like this now: > > 1: CREATE INDEX FOR RIAK SEARCH > curl -XPUT "" > > 2: CREATE BUCKET TYPE > riak-admin bucket-type create tp_footballers > '{"props":{"allow_mult":false,"search_index":"ix_footballers"}}' > riak-admin bucket-type activate tp_footballers > > 3: INSERT A PLAYER > bucket = client.bucket_type('tp_footballers').bucket('footballers') > key ='lionelmessi', data={'name_s':'Messi', > 'team_s':'Barcelona', 'number_i':10}, content_type='application/json') > > > 4: SEARCH FOR BARCELONA PLAYERS > r = client.fulltext_search('ix_footballers', 'team_s:Barcelona') > > So far so good :) BUT... what if I want to have a field "goals_i" that is a > counter that will be incremented each match day with the number of goals he > scored? What is the syntax/steps to do to set up "footballers" as a MAP and > then put a COUNTER inside? I know is possible as I read it in some data dump > some Basho employee passed me some time ago, but I can't manage to see how > to do it now. > > Thanks! > Alex > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > > > -- Sean Cribbs <> Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list