Been checking out 2.0rc1 and am really excited about the new features (as I think most of us are). I had a couple of questions that I couldn't find answers to scanning the docs. Totally possible I missed it and if so, please feel free to direct me to the proper place.
1. Is there a way to remove a search index and schema? 2. Do indexes just "reference" schemas? More specifically, if I update a schema will those changes "propagate" to all indexes using that schema? The reason I ask is I've been experimenting with simple searching and found in the logs an error indexing a document due to unknown fields. I realized I missed the catch all dynamic field in my schema and updated it. After updating I ran the test again (after deleting any existing data) but the error persists. Leading me to believe that the schema isn't updating. But when I view the schema $RIAK_HOST/search/schema/testschema I see the updates. Andrew
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