Hi Chaim,


> On Jul 6, 2014, at 1:13 AM, Chaim Solomon <ch...@itcentralstation.com> wrote:
> I don't think I was quite clear in what I asked for.

My apologies for misunderstanding your previous query.

> I am not asking for the ability to influence the hashing algorithm. That 
> would be a mess.
> But I would like to be able to have more influence on the distribution of 
> vnodes on the nodes - and that is something that RIAK already does.
> So a command to bump a vnode off a particular node or reduce the number of 
> vnodes on a node or set the target percentage on a node would be nice. It 
> seems like the current algorithm already does something similar - but I 
> didn't see how one can influence that.
> The other issue was that I would suggest taking the disk space into 
> consideration.
> If you have nodes that have different storage then balancing the data equally 
> between nodes may not be the best option. 
> It may be better to take the available disk space into consideration and move 
> vnodes to nodes that have free space if a node runs low on space.

What you refer to here would be nice, and is something referred to as "weighted 
claim." I know it's been discussed a bit in the past. Perhaps someone from 
Basho can chime in and let us know if it's on the roadmap for a future release?

> One simple use case would be expanding a cluster with newer nodes (that have 
> more storage) and being able to utilise that storage. 
> Another would be to be able to distribute larger partitions more evenly - in 
> particular if the size per partition is not evenly distributed.
> Chaim Solomon
>> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Tom Santero <tsant...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> responses inline
>>> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 2:45 AM, Chaim Solomon <ch...@itcentralstation.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm running a 2.0.0b cluster (small) and have been running out of space on 
>>> one node. 
>>> I had expected that adding a node would lead to freeing up of space on 
>>> other nodes - but it's not working too fast.
>> Keep in mind that the speed of transfers is bound by the bandwidth available 
>> on the network as well as the speed at which you can actually read the data 
>> off disk. Once the transfers complete you should see the disk freed. 
>>> I would suggest to add to RIAK a way to have the distribution algorithm 
>>> take free space into consideration and to move data to empty nodes fast. 
>>> Another issue is that adding the node moved most nodes from 25% to 18.8% - 
>>> but one stayed on 25% in the planner.
>> The algorithm Riak uses to determine vnode placement is non-deterministic; 
>> if you don't like any given staged vnode distribution I might suggest you 
>> run riak-admin cluster clear to undo any staged changed and attempt to add 
>> the node again, until you're content with the new plan. 
>>> And I would also suggest adding some way to force a rebalancing of the 
>>> cluster to force nodes to take up more load if they don't have enough or 
>>> hand off load to others.
>> The hashing algorithm used by Riak to determine object placement in the ring 
>> is uniform--over time and with a greater number of total keys you'll start 
>> to see a smoother distribution across all partitions. 
>> On the fly rebalancing would be incredibly expensive, especially for users 
>> who have lots of nodes and petabytes of data stored in Riak. Ad-hoc 
>> partition handoff would most likely be brittle and error-prone, given the 
>> unreliability of the network.
>> In my humble opinion the engineers at Basho work harder than most other 
>> distributed systems developers, considering all the edge cases where systems 
>> can fail unexpectedly; I say this not to boost their egos, but rather to 
>> point out that their approach has the effect of making Riak more robust and 
>> resilient than most other distributed datastores. But such resiliency isn't 
>> free, and for these guarantees every user must pay the price. Riak might not 
>> be the fastest database, and it may even underutilize that really expensive 
>> hardware you might throw at it...but i'll be damned if it doesn't lie to me, 
>> lose my data or pretend that failures like network partitions don't happen. 
>>> Chaim Solomon
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