Roughly. Even with PR/PW you can't say strong _consistency_, but you can
reason about stronger _durability_ and reduced divergence. To truly get
strong consistency, you have to use a consensus algorithm like Paxos, Raft,
etc. Riak 2.0 will have one that you can turn on per-bucket-type.

Generally it is best to use N/2 + 1 ("quorum") for R / W unless you
absolutely know what you're doing. See for a great use-case of R=1
along with other bucket/request properties.

On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Alex De la rosa <>

> Hi Sean,
> Thank you very much for your explanation :) looks much clearer now.
> So... is not viable to set anything to 0 as it would make no sense and
> fail, and also is not appropriate to set anything to the same value as
> "n_value" (in this case 3) as there would be false negatives... so the
> adjustments should be between 1 and 2 (the default)... meaning that we can
> only increase its speed a bit setting some value to 1 (r = 1 if we want to
> read fast, w = 1 if we want to write fast)
> For what I see, makes no much sense to change PR and PW... and DW only if
> we really really really want strong consistency. Leaving again just the
> real need to set "r" and "w" if we want to speed up any of the processes.
> Am I right?
> Cheers,
> Alex
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 8:41 PM, Sean Cribbs <> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 4:55 AM, Alex De la rosa <
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> Can somebody help me understand a bit better the bucket quorums? I will
>>> use the Python API to write code examples:
>>> Imagine we are building a web app like twitter, and we want fast read
>>> (although not need to be consistent) and safe writings, this R/W
>>> combination is appropriate?
>>> bucket = client.bucket('twits')
>>> bucket.r = 1
>>> bucket.w = 3
>>> # OR
>>> bucket.set_property('r', 1)
>>> bucket.set_property('w', 3)
>>> Which method is better to use? or are just exactly the same?
>> The pseudo-properties in the first example are exactly the same as the
>> set_property() calls in the second, just a convenience. Generally I
>> wouldn't recommend W=3 because it will tend to create false negatives under
>> heavy load, W=2 (the default) should be sufficient. Keep in mind that R=1
>> with notfound_ok = true (the default) can tend to result in false negative
>> responses as well.
>>> Imagine that in this new case, we want to focus on writing fast
>>> (normally we will write more "twits" than read them)... which would be the
>>> most appropriate/suggested quorums?
>>> Also, what's really the difference between "r" and "pr"? what is a
>>> "primary replica"?
>> Primaries are the replicas (nodes) that are the canonical owners the
>> data, but Riak will let you read and write even if they are not available.
>> If they are not available, fallback replicas (non-owner nodes) will take
>> over in their place. Setting PR or PW > 0 will result in failures if that
>> many primaries are not available (the node is down or partitioned from the
>> node that receives the request).
>>> If i set up bucket.w = 1, it will still do the 3 copies (n_val) in the
>>> background but will reply "true" once 1 copy is saved, right?
>> Yes. Keep in mind W is a fast-path response, i.e. "I received the request
>> to write", whereas DW is a "I saved the key to the storage engine". There
>> is no practical reason for DW ever to be 0, in fact I think it is
>> disallowed (or silently upgraded to 1).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
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>> --
>> Sean Cribbs <>
>> Software Engineer
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.

Sean Cribbs <>
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.
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