Hello there
sorry to bother you guys with this totally noob question...

I am trying to run the tutorial "Tast of Riak" in eclipse. I have a cluster
running made of 3 joined dev-nodes, from which I can get the stats via
browser. The "all in one client" jar is referenced by the java project.

However I receive a "java.io.EOFException"  when trying to fetch any bucket:

Bucket myBucket = client.fetchBucket("test").execute();

(as far I know they should be created/managed automatically when not

Since the exception occures at this line, I assume that the connection
itself was successfully established:

IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.pbcClient("", 10018);

I set up (and started) Riak under root, while I am working in KDE with
another user. Could this cause the problem?


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