Eager to get the jump on testing your Ruby application that talks to 
Riak 2.0? We've released a release candidate of Riak Ruby Client 2.0.0.

**WARNING**: this is pre-release software! There are bugs waiting to be
discovered and fixed. If you do discover shortcomings and problems, please
file an issue at https://github.com/basho/riak-ruby-client/issues .

Version 2.0.0 is a major new version with many new features, API changes,
and feature removals.

New features:

* Yokozuna: full-text search built on Solr and powered by Riak.
* Riak security: TLS-encrypted and authenticated protocol buffers, access
  control, and more!
* Convergent Replicated Data Types (CRDTs): counters, maps, and sets, all with
  convenient and safe distributed semantics.
* Bucket types: the building blocks of Yokozuna, access control, and CRDTs.

API changes:

* Exceptions raised by the client are subclasses of `Riak::Error`.
* The internals of the Beefcake-based protocol buffers support have been
  refactored for reliability and maintainability.
* The Beefcake version has been bumped to 1.0 for improvements in speed and
  memory usage.
* Tests now use RSpec 3.


* HTTP support has been removed from the Riak Ruby Client in favor of focusing
  on Protocol Buffers.
* The included test-server has been removed. Tests now require a Riak node to
  be configured and run independently of the test suite.

Bryce Kerley
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies

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