Spelling mistake, sorry:

{gc_paginated_indexes, true},

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Kota Uenishi <k...@basho.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you using 1.4.5? I'm not sure but you may have a log message like this:
> "Error occurred trying to query from time 0 to ~p in gc key index. Reason: ~p"
> in console.log. If so, it's even failing not only GC but in listing
> objects to be collected. Then setting a line
>   {gc_pagenated_indexes, true},
> into riak_cs section of your app.config . This is implicit option and
> its default is false.
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Tyler Flint <tylerfl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you in advance for any assistance.
>> To explore riak-cs, I setup a 2 node cluster with riak and riak-cs on each 
>> node, and put the riak nodes on the same cluster. I then proceeded to use 
>> risk-cs by uploading a 3G file using the multi-part upload protocol. I was 
>> unaware, however, that I needed to finalize the multipart upload and thus 
>> had many in progress multi-part uploads. Through the duration of my 
>> troubleshooting, the storage on the filesystem grew to 224G. Once I 
>> discovered my error, I proceeded to cancel all of the previous uploads. At 
>> this point there are no uploads in progress, and only a single 3G file 
>> available in the bucket. However, it has been 48 hours since the exploration 
>> and the storage use is still 224G on both machines.
>> I have attempted multiple strategies in attempt to reclaim space, all 
>> without any effect.
>> Within riak-cs:
>> - I have shortened the gc leeway duration to 5 minutes and set all of the gc 
>> intervals as low as 5 minutes.
>> - I have manually triggered the riak-cs-gc batch multiple times. (After 
>> running batch, status shows a gc run and eventually complete)
>> Within riak:
>> - I have adjusted the bitcask settings in attempt to trigger a merge.
>> - I have force merged all of the bitcask partitions manually in the erlang 
>> console.
>> None of these strategies seem to have any effect whatsoever.
>> At this point I’m not even sure where to start, nor do I know if the issue 
>> is within riak-cs or riak (via bitcask). Any suggestions would be 
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Tyler
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> --
> Kota UENISHI / @kuenishi
> Basho Japan KK

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Basho Japan KK

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