On May 21, 2014 02:33:40 PM Oleksiy Krivoshey wrote:
> I think I've found that rare case when I don't get deletedvlock before
> 'put' in my code.
> Sorry for bothering everyone :)
> On 21 May 2014 14:15, Oleksiy Krivoshey <oleks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think its a different issue and might be my own misunderstanding:
> > 
> > The actual order of operations is (all same key):
> > 
> > 1. write
> > 3. read
> > 4. delete
> > 5. write
> > 6. read - failed
> > 
> > So it might be tombstone problem. However I always do 'get' with
> > 'deletedvclock: true' before 'put' or 'delete' and provide a vclock.
I've seen a similar failure case when I was playing around with Riak.  I found 
the solution is to do a read before 5 with r=n (r=3 in the default case), and 
then do the write with the returned vclock, if any is returned.  Try that and 
see if it helps.

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