I can see records ids if I add &fl=id in query:


   - response:
      - numFound: 33,
      - start: 0,
      - maxScore: "0.0",
      - docs:
            - id:
            - id:
            - id:

But when I try remove this IDs by POST to  http://db:8098/solr/some_index



Nothing happens. entry still returnig

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Alexander Popov <mogada...@gmail.com>wrote:

> solr/some_index/select?q=some_query&wt=json&rows=50
> {
>    - responseHeader:
>    {
>       - status: 0,
>       - QTime: 47,
>       - params:
>       {
>          - q: "some_query",
>          - q.op: "or",
>          - filter: "",
>          - wt: "json"
>          }
>       },
>    - response:
>    {
>       - numFound: 34,
>       - start: 0,
>       - maxScore: "0.353553",
>       - docs: [ ]
>       }
> }
> I was manage my index only using the Solr HTTP Interface
> 1. Looks i got some broken records. How can i found and cleanup it?
> 2. How to prevent this one in future
> I was try:
> 1.  Reboot entire cluster( to eliminate in memory cache )
> 2. search-cmd delete my_index
> no success
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