BTW - i'm using python riak-python-client (v2.0.3) and it allows you to use link walking and chaining but returns back a bucket/key/tag tuple that allows to fetch a needed object via the secondary request.
Will this also be deprecated? On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Alexander Grytsenko <> wrote: > > Hi all, > > I'm a bit confused of this deprecation notice that is on the official > docs.basho page that is related to a link walking explanation. See here: > > > Basically, It says that starting from v2.0 the Link Walking feature is > marked as deprecated and it is going to be removed. > > > As I understand link walking allows you to "fetch a related object" by an > url like: > > > curl -v,friend,1 > >... > > < {'name': 'dave'} # another object with a key=dave who appears to be a > friend of tim > > Clearly this functionality will be removed. > > But does it mean the 'Links' (as key's metadata) will also be deprecated > and removed? > Or will I be able to store the Links into object's medatada in v2.0 or 3.0 > or whatever..? > Or is it going to be possible to travel over links via map/reduce in the > future versions? > > Should I think now about storing additional info somewhere inside my > object to keep simple relations in the future? > (and convert all my current links to object's inner data) > > Or the deprecation warning above is related only to "Link Walking" (on the > server side with getting the object back), but not to the "Links" itself? > > > Thanks for keeping this thread, > alex > > >
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