Jeremiah has summed it up rather nicely. I'd just like to back it up by
saying that I am also happy to help with transition to a new home. While CI
isn't a priority for me any more, I'd still like to see it live on.


On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 6:05 AM, Jeremiah Peschka <
> wrote:

> At this point it's been 8 months since the last full release of
> CorrugatedIron[1]. Development has continued since then, but the pace has
> slowed down considerably.
> ## The Life Of A Consultant
> As a consultant, you're called upon to be a deep specialist in one
> technology.
> OJ Reeves[2] and I started this project because we were both interested in
> becoming specialists in Riak. We had similar experience. We both worked on
> Microsoft platforms - OJ with C# and me with SQL Server.
> As time passed, though, we both focused more and more on technologies that
> weren't Riak. OJ veered off into security and I continued to dive deeper
> into the world of SQL Server. Over time, our interests were pulled in other
> directions.
> It's difficult to find the time to work on an extracurricular project even
> when everyone is interested in supporting the project. It's harder when you
> both know that the other person's passions lie elsewhere.
> ## The State of the Game
> As of today, we've implemented 80% of the features that are necessary to
> support Riak 2.0 on the `develop` branch of CorrugatedIron. The project is
> in relatively rough shape and neither one of us have committed code in
> several months.
> ## Looking for Contributors
> We couldn't have foreseen this when we started, or even even 6 months ago,
> but both OJ and I are no longer able to actively maintain CorrugatedIron.
> We're looking for contributors to help us with the maintenance and
> development of CorrugatedIron. In short: **CorrugatedIron needs a new
> home**.
> Working on CorrugatedIron has been a lot of fun, but priorities have
> changed and it's time to move on and leave full time development to folks
> who have the time and energy to work on it.
> If you're interested in picking on where we left off, email me at <
>> and let me know that you're interested. I'm
> more than happy to help make this transition happen smoothly and painlessly.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> ---
> Jeremiah Peschka - Managing Director, Brent Ozar Unlimited
> MCSE: Data Platform, MVP
> Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
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