I think the number of characters preceding an asterisk is related to the 
tokenizer. White space or standard. One of them allows a one character search, 
the other three I believe. And this worked in riak 1.x. 

As pointed out elsewhere, the docs you really should be referring to for search 
capabilities in 2.x are the docs for whatever lucene/solr engine 2.x is 
targeting and then the basho docs that indicate caveats. 



Sent from my iRotaryPhone

> On Apr 26, 2014, at 5:40, Alexander Popov <mogada...@gmail.com> wrote:
> from documentation:
> >>Currently, the wildcard must come at the end of the term in both cases, and 
> >>must be preceded by a minimum of two characters.
> Does it any way to able to search with one char?
> I use RiakSearch  to search contacts, and should show something for users 
> when they type one char only
> Maybe some combination with proximity search or custom tokenizers?
> Also what about riak 2.0? Does it work there?
> I have just one  idea, create custom index with field first_letter  and put 
> first char there and when only single char comes to input  -  I will search 
> exact  q=first_letter:a
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