Hi Bryce,

I have code that does something similar to this, and it works well.

In my case, the value is a JSON array, with a JSON object per event.

Siblings are easily resolved by merging the two arrays.

In Riak 2.0, sets using JSON-encoded strings would probably do this
automatically and more cleanly this manually resolving siblings.

I like sorted JSON, but any data format that produces identical strings
would work.  If there is a chance of duplicate submissions into Riak,
you need to ensure the data format always produces identical output to
allow Riak to recognize and eliminate duplicates.

The other thing I would worry about is how long-lived your sessions are
and how many events can they generate.  Riak starts having performance
issues over a few MB and you should probably consider another data
model at that point (maybe storing references instead of the data

Good luck with your project,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bryce" <bryceverd...@gmail.com>
To: "riak-users" <riak-users@lists.basho.com>
Sent: Thursday, 24 April, 2014 1:22:12 PM
Subject: Riak as log aggregator

Hi All,

I'm interested in using Riak for a log aggregation project. These are 
basically apache logs that I would like to correlate together based on 
their session ID's. These session ID's would make sense as the key, but 
its the "value" part of this that confuses me. There will be multiple 
lines within these logs that have the same session ID, thus I will be 
creating siblings. Now, is there a CRDT that will allow me to combine 
all of these siblings into a single value or will I need to write my own 
solution to do so? Any and all pointers are welcomed. Also, if Riak is a 
bad fit for this, please let me know.

Warm regard,

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