Even after a manual `mkdir /home/nabil/riak/ring && sudo chown riak:riak
/home/nabil/riak/ring`, I still can't start the riak service.

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Jordan West <jw...@basho.com> wrote:

> Hey Nabil,
> Riak is having trouble finding or creating the ring directory. From your
> logs:
> 2014-04-04 15:44:41.655 [critical] <0.147.0>@riak_core_app:start:54 Ring
> state directory "/home/nabil/riak/ring" does not exist, and could not be
> created: "permission denied"
> Jordan
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Nabil Hassein <na...@betterpath.com>wrote:
>> Thanks very much for your prompt replies. I am using the bitcask backend.
>> For now I am just trying to use /home/nabil/riak as the directory as I test
>> this out on my development machine, although naturally that is not the
>> ultimate destination we have in mind for our production servers.
>> I have changed all of the paths quite similarly to the linked gist. There
>> are indeed errors in the Riak logs; I've pasted them here:
>> http://pastebin.com/tQer69eJ
>> As you can see many of them appear to related to file permissions, but
>> like I said I've chowned the directory to the riak user and group:
>> [nabil@localhost riak]$ pwd
>> /home/nabil/riak
>> [nabil@localhost riak]$ ls -latrR .
>> .:
>> total 8
>> drwxrwxr-x.  2 riak  riak  4096 Apr  4 11:59 .
>> drwx------. 62 nabil nabil 4096 Apr  4 15:51 ..
>> Any additional advice you can give would be much appreciated. Thanks
>> again for what you've already told me.
>> Nabil
>> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 3:15 PM, Jordan West <jw...@basho.com> wrote:
>>> https://gist.github.com/jrwest/a37e3fff5917f0bd44eb is a recent
>>> app.config I used on a 1.4.x cluster w/ CentOS. Look at the paths that
>>> start w/ "/data/riak". If you're still having issues, or you have changed
>>> all the paths: are there any errors in the Riak logs?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jordan
>>> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Nabil Hassein <na...@betterpath.com>wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I'm trying to change /etc/riak/app.config to store data in a directory
>>>> of my choosing rather than the default one. Simply changing
>>>> platform_data_dir to another directory yields errors, even after a `chown
>>>> -R riak:riak` of the relevant directory; the service starts but any
>>>> attempts to use the REST API yield 500 Internal Server Errors. Trying to
>>>> change other things, such as the ring_state_dir, generally results in riak
>>>> failing to start at all.
>>>> Does anyone have an example configuration where data is stored in a
>>>> different directory to the defaults, or advice about where I might be going
>>>> wrong?
>>>> I'm using a binary install of riak 1.4.8 on CentOS, if that's relevant.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Nabil
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