The newest Riak Search 2 (yokozuna) allows you to create custom solr
schemas. One of the field options is to save the values you wish to index.
Then when you perform a search request, you can retrieve any of the stored
values with a field list (fl) property

On Mar 26, 2014 9:37 AM, "Elias Levy" <> wrote:

> Are there any plans to introduce a Riak Search API that will allow a
> search to return matching documents, rather than references to matching
> documents?  Its seems rather cumbersome to have to generate at least two
> round trips, or more, to satisfy a query.
> I suppose this would also require Riak KV to implement a bulk fetch API,
> as a result set may return a larger number of results.
> The closest approximation to this functionality at the moment is to
> perform a search using MapReduce.  This has the advantage of allowing you
> to stream the results, but incurs the overhead of setting up the MR job,
> and has an implicit R=1 that can't be tuned.
> Elias Levy
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