Thanks, seems to be a mix. Riak_search_version is ‘1.4.1-19’, is there 2.0 
version for this? If so, how do I get it?


From: Michael Dillon []
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:25 PM
To: Sapre, Meghna A
Subject: Re: Riak Search 2.0

Try using riak-admin status |grep version |less

and you will see that there are lots of components at different version levels. 
I am running 2.0pre11 and have 1.4.2-456-ge1f5d39 for the kv component.

riak is not one application. It is a suite of applications that work together 
to provide and overall service.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Sapre, Meghna A 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,
  I recently inherited a Riak dB, so my questions are probably very basic.
The ones I ask are the ones I couldn't find answers to in the docs or online.

1. When I run 'riak-admin status | grep riak_kv_version', it shows 'riak 1.4.2'.
    The person who had originally done the installation said it was the 2.0 
pre-release version, am I checking the right thing?


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Michael Dillon - Senior Software Engineer
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