Any chance you are overflowing into swap?  Or in the case of XEN have you 
exceeded the guaranteed RAM for the VM memory and moved into the disk backed 
portion of "ram"?

What backend do you use within riak?  Do you have memory statistics from before 
and after the seizure/freeze?


On Mar 19, 2014, at 4:56 PM, Michael Dillon <> wrote:

> I've run into a problem with Riak freezing completely on one node running on 
> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a XEN VM (EC2). If I ssh into the node and run "ps ax" 
> that shell session also freezes. I also tried another ssh session with 
> "netstat -lnp" to see if I could find the process ID to kill, but that also 
> froze.
> I must admit that I have seen a similar problem with RabbitMQ running on 
> Ubuntu 10 LTS on a an OpenVPS VM a few years ago.
> I suppose this is an Erlang issue of some sort, but I would really like some 
> way to kill the Riak processes without a reboot if possible. 
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