Thanks, Seth.

No, I don't think there is something in my system that is using the same
port. I rebooted and checked ips and all riak default ports were free. I
started the old riak just to test. I stopped id and cleaned beam.smp, epmd,

I didn't change anything in the configs. After installing riak with "make
rel", I ran './rel/riak/bin/riak start' command.

I had downloaded the source from Maybe I need to use github one?


On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Seth Thomas <> wrote:

> Is there something else on the network trying to operate with the same
> name/IP? If you'd like I'm happy to look at the vm.args and app.config but
> I'm of the mind that there is something else in the environment that
> causing this error. That is to say I don't agree with the assertion this is
> 2.0 specific. In the GitHub issue it was mentioned that there is an older
> version in play - is this other ring running while you're firing up 2.0?
> Perhaps getting more information about the environment might help to
> figure out why you're encountering this error.
> On March 17, 2014 at 14:50:10, Buri Arslon ( wrote:
> Thanks, Michael.
> I checked ports and made sure they were free. I even rebooted my server to
> start from clean. Didn't help.
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Michael Dillon <
>> wrote:
>> Best way to do a quick check to see if Riak started OK is to run
>> netstat -lnp
>> and see if something is listening on the Riak ports like 8089 or whatever
>> you have changed it too. If something is listening, then the PID that is
>> doing it is listed. Kill that PID and you have killed Riak and can start it
>> normally.
>> Of course it is better to use the normal way for starting and stopping
>> Riak, and never use the -9 option on kill.
>> Also, you really should be looking at log files to figure out problems.
>> There are several in /var/log/riak
>> Actually, now that I think about it, you probably cannot run riak console
>> if riak is already running. Either start riak using "riak console" INSTEAD
>> OF riak start, or use riak attach to connect to an already running one. But
>> the messages that have already been displayed will not reappear. Look in
>> the logs.
>>  On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Buri Arslon <> wrote:
>>>  Hi guys!
>>> ./riak start is giving me "wait_for_erlang" error. I had added a
>>> detailed info here:
>>> any hints?
>>> thanks,
>>> Buriwoy
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