As the Protocol Buffer interface generally is faster and more efficient
than the HTTP interface, I would also recommend using the
basho_bench_driver_riakc_pb driver instead of basho_bench_driver_http_raw
for your benchmarks.

Best regards,


On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Sean Cribbs <> wrote:

> Note as well that the 'concurrent' setting will *not* typically increase
> throughput beyond a certain point (instead you will simply have many
> workers waiting in the run queue). You are also only driving load from a
> single machine with limits on its CPU and network throughput. Start by
> trying a more reasonable concurrency level, like two (2) times the number
> of CPU cores in the basho_bench machine. Also consider running basho_bench
> from multiple machines at once. Consider the line rate of your network as
> well; in the past I have easily been able to saturate a gigabit network
> with basho_bench.
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Alexander Sicular <>wrote:
>> How many physical machines (disks/cores/nics) are in your cluster?
>> -Alexander
>> @siculars
>> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 22:07, "" <
>>> wrote:
>>  Greetings all...
>> I am running tests with Riak Cluster.
>> When this cluster has only one node, the max throughput is about 1500
>> ops/s(CPU becomes the bottleneck).
>> But after I added 4 more nodes into the cluster,  no matter how I changed
>> the configuration file of Basho benchmark tool,
>> the number of throughput have never been more than ~3500 ops/s.
>> CPU utilization on each node is about 60~65% (captured by iostat and sar)
>> And when I added 5 more nodes(10 nodes totally), it is the same result.
>> And CPU utilization on each node is about 60%.
>> I  can't understand why.
>> During the tests, I tried:
>> 1)Change ring size from 64 to 128
>> 2)Change basho benchmark configuration file, like "mode","concurrent" and
>> "key_generator"...
>> 3)Modify some system limits on both riak nodes and basho bench servers,
>> such as file descriptor  , tcp settings.
>> 4)Monitoring system like cpu, memory and IO, and none of them become
>> the bottleneck.
>> 5)Monitoring the basho bench server,  low load.
>> Any ideas?
>> Or did I make any mistakes in my configuration file?
>> Configuration file of Basho benchmark tool:
>> ===================================================================
>>  {mode, max}.
>> {duration, 15}.
>> {concurrent,    500}.
>> {driver, basho_bench_driver_http_raw}.
>> {http_raw_ips,
>> ["","","","","","","",""]}.
>> {http_raw_port, 8098}.
>> {http_raw_path, "/riak/test"}.
>> {key_generator, {partitioned_sequential_int,
>> 1000000000000000,8000000000000000}}.  %%we want 16 bytes long key-length
>> {value_generator, {fixed_bin, 1024}}. %%1KB
>> {operations, [{insert,4}, {get,6}]}.
>> ===============================================================================
>> Here are our server specifications(VMs based on Xenserver):
>> 1)Riak nodes: 2cores + 4GB RAM + 20GB disk
>> 2)Basho benchmark, 4 cores + 4GB RAM, 30GB disk.
>> Thank you very much !
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> --
> Sean Cribbs <>
> Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
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