Ok, thanks a lot Matthew.

On 18 February 2014 16:18, Matthew Von-Maszewski <matth...@basho.com> wrote:

> Riak 2.0 is coming.  Hold your mass delete until then.  The "bug" is
> within Google's original leveldb architecture.  Riak 2.0 sneaks around to
> get the disk space freed.
> Matthew
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 11:10 AM, Edgar Veiga <edgarmve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The only/main purpose is to free disk space..
> I was a little bit concerned regarding this operation, but now with your
> feedback I'm tending to don't do nothing, I can't risk the growing of
> space...
> Regarding the overhead I think that with a tight throttling system I could
> control and avoid overloading the cluster.
> Mixed feelings :S
> On 18 February 2014 15:45, Matthew Von-Maszewski <matth...@basho.com>wrote:
>> Edgar,
>> The first "concern" I have is that leveldb's delete does not free disk
>> space.  Others have executed mass delete operations only to discover they
>> are now using more disk space instead of less.  Here is a discussion of the
>> problem:
>> https://github.com/basho/leveldb/wiki/mv-aggressive-delete
>> The link also describes Riak's database operation overhead.  This is a
>> second "concern".  You will need to carefully throttle your delete rate or
>> the overhead will likely impact your production throughput.
>> We have new code to help quicken the actual purge of deleted data in Riak
>> 2.0.  But that release is not quite ready for production usage.
>> What do you hope to achieve by the mass delete?
>> Matthew
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 10:29 AM, Edgar Veiga <edgarmve...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, forgot that info!
>> It's leveldb.
>> Best regards
>> On 18 February 2014 15:27, Matthew Von-Maszewski <matth...@basho.com>wrote:
>>> Which Riak backend are you using:  bitcask, leveldb, multi?
>>> Matthew
>>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Edgar Veiga <edgarmve...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Hi all!
>>> >
>>> > I have a fairly trivial question regarding mass deletion on a riak
>>> cluster, but firstly let me give you just some context. My cluster is
>>> running with riak 1.4.6 on 6 machines with a ring of 256 nodes and 1Tb ssd
>>> disks.
>>> >
>>> > I need to execute a massive object deletion on a bucket, I'm talking
>>> of ~1 billion keys (The object average size is ~1Kb). I will not retrive
>>> the keys from riak because a I have a file with all of them. I'll just
>>> start a script that reads them from the file and triggers an HTTP DELETE
>>> for each one.
>>> > The cluster will continue running on production with a quite high load
>>> serving all other applications, while running this deletion.
>>> >
>>> > My question is simple, do I need to have any kind of extra concerns
>>> regarding this action? Do you advise me on taking special attention to any
>>> kind of metrics regarding riak or event the servers where it's running?
>>> >
>>> > Best regards!
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