After asking around a bit, I think we’re likely to remove that recommendation 
from the documentation.

Tuning is always a bit of a dark art, so as always your mileage may vary, but 
there doesn’t seem to be any real advantage to lowering the thread count.

Thanks for raising the issue.


On Feb 3, 2014, at 10:51 AM, Edgar Veiga <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a 6 machines cluster with a ring of 256 nodes with levelDB as backend.
> I've seen that recently in the documentation, this has appeared:
> If using LevelDB as the storage backend (which maintains its own I/O thread 
> pool), the number of async threads in Riak's default pool can be decreased in 
> the /etc/riak/vm.args file.
> How much is this relevant regarding the overall cluster performance? Right 
> now I've the defaul 64 threads.
> Best regards.
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