Hi Massimilliano,

The list of nodes does not imply an order of connection. Usually, a random
node is chosen after nodes with error rates greater than a threshold are
removed from the candidates. You can see the implementation in

When a request fails such that the connection is known to be bad (such as a
TCP error), the retry logic filters out that node from existing
connections. I believe it may still be possible for the node to be selected
if no other connections are available in the pool, because the logic used
to establish a new connection might not use the filter. I will investigate
further and determine if this is actually the case.

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Massimiliano Ciancio <
massimili...@ciancio.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using python client to connect to a five nodes riak server.
> Since I'm running my app on the same servers on which is running Riak,
> I want that the app on server x get and store data asking to the Riak
> on the same server. If the Riak on the same server is not available,
> tha app must connect to another Riak server randomly choosed.
> How can I implement this?
> Does the list of nodes passed to the RiakClient
> (http://basho.github.io/riak-python-client/client.html) imply an
> 'order of connection' ? That is, first connect to the first node then,
> if this fails, connect to the second and so on...
> Thanks in advance
> Massimiliano
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Sean Cribbs <s...@basho.com>
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.
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