Cool Matt, looks very similar to what I've got! We're also using pillar,
which helps a great deal when cross-referencing riak packages needed for

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Matt Black <>wrote:

> This state is meat of it, and should be pretty self-explanatory if you're
> already writing Salt states..
> riak-ulimit-pam:
>   file.append:
>     - name: /etc/pam.d/common-session
>     - text: "session\trequired\"
> riak-ulimit-pam-noninteractive:
>   file.append:
>     - name: /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive
>     - text: "session\trequired\"
> riak-ulimit:
>   file.append:
>     - name: /etc/security/limits.conf
>     - text:
>       - "riak soft nofile 65536"
>       - "riak hard nofile 65536"
>     - require:
>       - file: riak-ulimit-pam
> python-software-properties:
>   pkg.installed
> basho-pkgrepo:
>   pkgrepo.managed:
>     - humanname: Basho PPA
>     - name: deb precise main
>     - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/basho.list
>     - key_url:
>     - require:
>       - pkg: python-software-properties
> riak:
>   pkg.installed:
>     - version: 1.4.2-1
>     - require:
>       - pkgrepo: basho-pkgrepo
>   riak.running:
>     - require:
>       - pkg: riak
>       - file: /etc/riak/app.config
>       - file: /etc/riak/vm.args
>       - file: riak-ulimit
> /etc/riak/app.config:
>   file.managed:
>     - source: salt://riak/app.config
>     - mode: 644
>     - template: jinja
>     - require:
>       - pkg: riak
>     - defaults:
>         internal_ip: {{ salt['cmd.exec_code']('bash', 'hostname -I') }}
> /etc/riak/vm.args:
>   file.managed:
>     - source: salt://riak/vm.args
>     - mode: 644
>     - template: jinja
>     - require:
>       - pkg: riak
>     - defaults:
>         internal_ip: {{ salt['cmd.exec_code']('bash', 'hostname -I') }}
> On 24 January 2014 04:22, Matt Davis <> wrote:
>> Nicely done Matt! Sure would love to see your states... I've got a fairly
>> good one for riak-cs, would love to see some others.
>> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Matt Black <>wrote:
>>> Hi Matt,
>>> We manage all our Riak infrastructure with a couple of Salt states and a
>>> custom module I wrote which you can see here:
>>> There's another Riak module in Salt core, but last time I checked it had
>>> less functionality. (I talked with them a while back about merging the two
>>> modules - perhaps I should bring that up again).
>>> I can send our Salt states as well, if you're interested :)
>>> On 23 January 2014 07:05, Matt Davis <> wrote:
>>>> Hey all,
>>>> We're implementing salt stack for configuration management, and I've
>>>> been trying out how it works with riak, specifically remote command
>>>> execution.
>>>> Anyone out there in riak-land been successfully integrating it with
>>>> salt?
>>>> I've hit a couple of "arroo?" moments and am curious what others have
>>>> experienced.
>>>> -matt
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